
Virtual Composer Summit - Application!

Think you might be a good fit for Virtual Composer Summit? Apply here!

Think you might be a good fit for Virtual Composer Summit? We'd love to hear from you!


Question 1 of 8

How did you hear about Virtual Composer Summit?

Question 2 of 8

Why are you interested in joining the program, and why do you think you'll be a good fit for Virtual Composer Summit?

Question 3 of 8

Where are you currently struggling the most with your music making?

(Select all that apply)

Composition & fleshing out ideas into a complete piece


Orchestration & choosing the right instruments for my music


Technology, DAWs and sample libraries are all overwhelming


Getting the most out of my virtual instruments to create realistic results


Mixing & mastering my piece to a professional level

Question 4 of 8

What is your experience with samples and DAWs? Which sample libraries do you currently use? 

Question 5 of 8

Please describe your single biggest struggle in your own words, and how we can help you overcome this struggle.

Question 6 of 8

The tuition for Virtual Composer Summit can be paid upfront, over 2 months, or over 3 months. Which payment option would you prefer?


I'm ready to pay in full! (1-time payment of $997)


I'd like to pay over 2 months (2 payments of $550).

Question 7 of 8

This 7-week program will include 2 live sessions a week, on Mondays and Thursdays at 12pm EST, with a built in 24/7 Discord community. Are you ready to join us and take your music to the next level? :)


Yes, I'm ready!


No, I'm unable to commit at this time. Please keep me updated on future enrolments.

Question 8 of 8

Is there anything else you'd like us to know? :)

Confirm and Submit