
Chris' Inner Circle - Application Form

A curated, ongoing mastermind group dedicated to transform your music and career, with built-in accountability and a network of like-minded people to connect and grow with.

Click the button below to begin!


Question 1 of 5

Firstly, please let me know: why are you interested in joining Chris' Inner Circle?

Question 2 of 5

What is the single biggest struggle or hurdle you're facing at the moment that we can help you with?

Question 3 of 5

As a valuable member of this exclusive mastermind, where do you feel you could contribute to the rest of the group towards each other's success?

Question 4 of 5

This is a 12-month, curated mastermind committed to delivering you major results moving forward. Which of the following payment options works better for you?


I'd prefer to pay all at once ($6,000 upfront, 2 months free)


I'd prefer to pay each month ($600/month for 12 months)

Question 5 of 5

Finally, what's one major goal or dream we can help you achieve as a group, and how would that impact your life moving forward? Please be as descriptive as possible!

Confirm and Submit