Chris Talks

Chris Talks

Hosted by: Christopher Siu

A podcast covering all aspects of music and the industry, including composing, arranging, business, lifestyle, and more.

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Ep 10: Be Charismatic on Camera in 3 Steps!

Hey friends! In today's video, let's cover a few ways we can improve our presence in front of a camera in 3 simple steps. Follow these, and you'll feel more confident and approachable. Enjoy!
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Ep 9: Do You Have Impostor Syndrome?

Hey friends! In today's podcast, let's talk about the feeling of being an impostor, what that means for us, and some tips to overcome it.
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Ep 8: Why Making Friends In the Industry Is So Important.

Hey friends! In today's episode of Chris Talks, let's dive into the importance of relationships, networking, and friendships in music. What are your thoughts?
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Ep 7: Why Are We Obsessed With Sample Libraries?

We use samples on a daily basis for our mockups and compositions. But why are we simply addicted to buying the newest and latest? Let's talk about it!
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Ep 6: Should You Start a YouTube Channel?

In today's day and age, building an online presence for ourselves as musicians and composers is so important. So is starting a YouTube channel the right move? In this episode we'll discuss the pros and cons.
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Ep 5: Do You Need to Play an Instrument to Write Music?

How important is it to be able to play an instrument (piano, guitar, percussion, flute, etc) in order to compose music quickly and efficiently?
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Ep 4: Jack of all Trades, or Master of One?

Is it better to be skilled at many facets in music making, or should we really hone our efforts into one area? Let's discuss.
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Ep 3: How to Avoid Writer's Block

We all run out of creative juice sometimes. But how can we deal with it, and even avoid it?
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Ep 2: Do You Need Formal Music Education To Be Successful in Music?

Education in music is always a tricky topic. Do you need formal education to make a living in music? I personally don't believe so, although it can certainly help with writing music (as it did for me). Let's discuss!
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Ep 1: Does Perfect Pitch Help You Make Better Music?

Perfect pitch is one of those things that remains a mystery to many people. Essentially, it enables you to identify a pitch instantly without a reference tone. But does it help us make better music as composers? Let's...
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